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Express. Reflect. Create Space. Be.

In 2020, I embarked on a transformative journey into holistic art therapy at the Academy of Holistic Arts in Vienna, seeking to reconnect with my inner artist.

Having spent a considerable time in the Design world, I felt a deep longing to give more space to the artist within me. Simultaneously, I yearned to share the profound impact art has had on my life and thinking, as well as to explore the depths of my inner world. 

There's something magical about the process of expressing oneself through art—it's like entering a state of flow, a moment of pure being. When you let go of the fixation on the outcome and immerse yourself in the present, you're not just creating; you're experiencing an intuitive, soulful expression.

It's a beautiful dance between the artist, emotions and the moment.

After this flow, there's a reflective return, a chance to ponder over the thoughts that were within, waiting to find expression. It's a space where the inner self unfolds, unrestricted and unfiltered. Whether it's a canvas, an improv theater stage, a dance, or a poem, everything you create becomes your unique piece of art. A reflection of your inner universe and a tribute to the exquisite beauty of unrestricted self-expression.

Although I've completed three years of the five-year program, unexpected personal reasons led me to take a pause. Nevertheless, I eagerly anticipate the day when I can resume and complete the remaining two years.


During my travels, carrying my entire atelier with brushes, acrylics, and canvases isn't always feasible.

This challenge prompted me to rediscover the world of digital drawings—an art form deeply familiar from my early multimedia art education in school. The versatility of digital drawings has captivated me, offering vast possibilities and uncharted territories for exploration. In this digital realm, I find a harmonious blend of creativity and adaptability, allowing my artistic expression to flourish on the go. 

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